People experience neck pain or stiffness often due to poor posture or overuse of neck muscles. The muscles and ligaments of our neck support our head and any abnormality or inflammation can lead to neck pain. Our neck is made up of vertebrae that extend from the skull to the upper torso. Pain in any area of these vertebrae can be categorized as neck pain.

Symptoms of neck pain range from mild cramps to extreme stiffness and dysfunction. Our pain management specialist is a leading board-certified neck pain consultant, and she helps patients with a customized treatment plan. Many people suffer from neck pain or stiffness occasionally. Poor posture or overuse is the most common cause. Often, neck pain is caused by an injury sustained in a fall, contact sport, or whiplash.

Initially, conservative treatments like physical therapy, chiropractic care, and acupuncture were used to treat neck pain. The next step is interventional pain management, such as epidural steroid injection and facet joint injection. Patients with severe neck injuries will be considered for neck surgery


A neck injury can be a cause of neck pain. One can experience neck pain injury through an accident, or while participating in sports. If you get your neck injury due to an accident, do not move your neck or change your posture until emergency medical services squads arrive. Trying to replace someone with having severe injury could have devastating consequences.


Neck pain treatment starts with usual conservative treatment such as physical therapy, acupuncture, and chiropractic. If treatment persists, then interventional pain management treatment is given to the patient. This process includes epidural steroid injection and facet joint injection.

Other possible treatments may include:

  • Pain relief medications
  • Traction
  • Short-term use of a soft collar
  • Physical therapy
  • Muscle relaxant medication
  • Tricyclic antidepressants for pain relief
  • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)
  • Therapeutic steroid injections

For patients who have gone through neck injury, Neck surgery is recommended. Surgery is recommended in case of pain is caused by the compression of nerve roots and spinal cord as well.

Reason for Neck pain:

Neck pain is caused by the overexertion and exhaustion of neck muscles. Whether leaning over your computer to get your office work done or sewing dresses all day long if you are a tailor. Unfortunately, our neck is delicate and less secure than other bodies, so neck pain is a very common problem in people belonging to different age groups. The pain usually arises from the following areas of the spinal cord:

  • Muscles
  • Cervical vertebrae
  • Ligaments
  • Cervical discs in our vertebrae

Neck movements include:

  • Cervical flexion- which bends the head forward towards the chest.
  • Cervical extension- bends head backward with the face towards the sky.
  • Cervical rotation helps in turning the head to the left or right sides
  • Cervical side-bending- involves touching an ear with the shoulder or touching the head to sides.

All these movements are carried out with the coordination of fibrous ligaments, muscles, and nerves. Fibrous ligaments fuse the bones and maintain the cervical vertebrae present in the spine in a specific position. The muscles provide support to the neck in movement. Nerves run all along the neck and spines thus generating itches when tissues undergo any damage or injury.

Conditions that lead to neck pain:

Tumors and infections may be the causes of neck pain in most cases, but frequently neck pain is characterized by acute injury and degeneration of injury. These degenerative conditions may include:

  • Arthritis
  • Spondylosis
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Disc hernias

There can be multiple causes of neck pain, thorough exanimation by a medical assistant can help you get rid of the ailment permanently. The diagnostic techniques include X-rays, CT scans, and MRI scans.


Regular exercise and regular massage at home can help relieve neck pain. Fragile core muscles can make your body bend against your posture. Regular training of these muscles can give wonderful results. Following training can be done religiously at home to have strong core muscles:

  • Move your neck backward and inwards slowly.
  • Repeat this for a while then move your head from left to right side and vice versa.
  • If case you sense any pain, slow down your pace of movement
  • After doing this exercise 20 times, then repeat the whole exercise 3 times.
  • And you are done.

Association of headache with neck pain:

Yes, headache is often associated with neck pain. Tension in the neck muscles is one of the reasons for headaches.


Poor posture is often associated with neck pain, as is aging-related wear and tear. Keeping your head over your spine can help prevent neck pain. It may be helpful to change your daily routine. Try these things:

  • Maintain good posture. You should always make sure your shoulders and ears are in a straight line over your hips when standing and sitting.
  • Breaks are important. Get up, move around, and stretch your neck and shoulders if you travel long distances or work at the computer for long periods.
  • Make sure your computer monitor is at eye level by adjusting your desk, chair, and computer. Hips should be higher than knees. If you have armrests on your chair, use them.
  • Talk with your phone held near your ear rather than between your shoulder and ear. Rather than using a phone, use a speakerphone or headset.
  • Quit smoking. You are more likely to develop neck pain if you smoke.
  • Over your shoulder, avoid carrying heavy bags. You may feel strain in your neck from the weight.
  • Lie in a comfortable position while you sleep. You should align your neck and head with your body. If you want to rest your head on a pillow, place it under your neck. If you sleep on your back, elevate your thighs on pillows to flatten your spinal muscles.

Final words

Most people find it helpful to get back to work as soon as possible. Resting in bed used to be advised before, but today this is seen as more harmful than helpful. Keeping your muscles active is far better than placing them in a splint. People typically return to work between 2 and 3 days after undergoing surgery, though this varies from person to person and from job to job. Your neck issue does not need to be resolved before you see a doctor. You will likely develop longer-term problems if you are off work for a long period, and you will be less likely to return to work. To get back to work, you must stay in touch with your employer.

Consider reducing your hours or moving to desk-based duties for a few weeks if your work involves physically demanding tasks. You should talk to a doctor about getting further treatment if you cannot return to work after two weeks off because of Neck Pain Doctor NJ.

Get an appointment online with our neck injury specialist in NJ.